Tourists in Phuket have decided to make life very difficult: it will no longer be possible to move around the island as before

Tourists in Phuket have decided to make life very difficult: it will no longer be possible to move around the island as before

Vehicle rental companies in Phuket have received a strict instruction from the authorities: they must carefully check the validity of tourists’ driving licences. A Russian driver’s licence without an international licence will no longer be considered valid. For Russians, especially those who have moved to Phuket, this makes it much more difficult to get around on the island, as it will no longer be possible to use bikes and scooters without a licence.

Health tours to Thailand: therapeutic resorts and centres

Health tours to Thailand: therapeutic resorts and centres

Thailand is known not only for its picturesque beaches, rich culture and unique cuisine, but also as one of the best destinations for health tourism. There are numerous resorts and centres offering a variety of treatments to improve health, rejuvenate and revitalise. In this article, we will look at the key aspects of wellness tours to Thailand, as well as the most popular treatment resorts and centres.

Thailand 2024: The summer season is in full swing and travellers are booking tours for the New Year

Thailand 2024: The summer season is in full swing and travellers are booking tours for the New Year

Thailand’s resorts are turning from a traditional winter destination into an all-season one. Tour operators have extended charter programmes and purchased blocks of seats on regular flights for summer 2024. The editorial staff has summarised information on visa-free entry, the cost of flights and tours, the use of UnionPay cards and the exchange of roubles for Thai baht.

Adventure tourism in Thailand: trekking, kayaking and ziplining

Adventure tourism in Thailand: trekking, kayaking and ziplining

Thailand is famous not only for its gorgeous beaches, exotic cuisine and rich culture, but also for its stunning adventurous tourism opportunities. For lovers of outdoor activities and extreme adventures, this country offers many exciting activities, among which trekking, kayaking and ziplining occupy a special place. In this article, we will highlight the best places and routes for each of these activities.