Jellyfish in Phuket, Thailand: what we know

Phuket is a popular vacation destination that attracts tourists from all over the world with its picturesque beaches and warm, crystal clear sea. However, besides all its beauty, Phuket is also known for its jellyfish.

Jellyfish species

Various species of jellyfish, including those dangerous to humans, have been found in Phuket. Officers from the Thai Department of Marine and Coastal Resources reported the occurrence of Cephea jellyfish, as well as Pelagia sp. in Phuket’s coastal waters

Jellyfish season

Jellyfish can appear on the beaches of Phuket at any time of the year, but the wind and waves bring a particularly large number of them to the beaches during certain periods. Sometimes the number of jellyfish becomes so large that it leads to a “jellyfish invasion”.


It is important to remember that some species of jellyfish can be dangerous to humans. You should find out about the current situation and take precautions before visiting the beach. If you encounter a jellyfish, try to stay away and do not touch it, even if it looks harmless.

What to do if stung

If you are stung by a jellyfish, you should seek medical attention immediately. First of all, it is necessary to remove the remains of the tentacles from the skin, but it should be done very carefully, so as not to cause additional irritation. Then you should rinse the sting site with sea water and seek medical attention.

Of course, jellyfish are only a small part of what Phuket has to offer. This island is rich in its unique nature and culture, and your stay here will leave you with a lot of unforgettable impressions. But remember, safety first!

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